Tools & Software used for this project:
Project Type : High Fidelity Game Prototype
Project Duration : 4 weeks
Team Size : 12
Role(s) : Game Design, System Designer, Gameplay Designer
Project Description
Heat & Yeet is a 2-player couch co-op game where players must work together to successfully cook food and make deliveries on time using a food truck. One player assumes the role of the driver, responsible for navigating through traffic while keeping the truck steady to aid the chef's work, all while striving to make speedy deliveries. I participated in this project as a student in the Game & UX Design Program at FutureGames, working within a student group that comprised of both programmers and designers.
My primary responsibilities centered around driving mechanic and truck design, focusing on creating suitable designs for both aspects to ensure their seamless integration with the kitchen minigame at the back of the truck. These design concepts were documented in the Game Design Document (GDD), serving as a key communication tool with the programming team. Additionally, I contributed to the implementation of the user interface (UI) and the map within the Unity game engine. Alongside these responsibilities, I conducted playtest sessions, documented feedback, and made the game's trailer.
The Truck
To create an accessible co-op game, I initially aimed for a straightforward design. Collaboratively, we decided to introduce a challenge for both the driver and chef by incorporating a wobbling feature into the truck. To achieve this, I introduced a single hinge point just below the kitchen floor, enabling a left-to-right swaying motion. This mechanic aligned with our vision, considering other challenges for both players. The subsequent design phase focused on fine-tuning various truck attributes, including acceleration, maximum speed, turning degree, and spring force for the hinge joint.
After determining the truck's behavior, my attention shifted towards enhancing the driver's role within the game. We recognized that the swerving truck already posed a challenge for both players, with a more significant impact on the chef's role. To elevate the driver's gameplay, we introduced the food meter, which displays the remaining ingredients available to the chef for cooking. Drivers must collect food boxes to ensure the kitchen functions smoothly, adding the task of maintaining the food meter to their responsibilities while striving to make timely deliveries.
Additionally, we implemented interactive scenarios that synchronized with the chef's role. When the driver accelerates excessively, the pizza oven at the back of the truck intensifies, generating smoke that impairs the vision of both players. In summary, the driver player not only focuses on making deliveries but also manages these additional elements, contributing to a dynamic and engaging gameplay experience.
Additional Work
In addition to my primary responsibilities, I conducted multiple playtest sessions to gather feedback, documented this feedback, and shared it with team members. Furthermore, I took charge of editing and creating the game's trailer.
Designing the truck presented challenges due to the game's dual-player nature, each player offering a unique gameplay experience. While I initially considered complex truck behaviors, it became evident that simplicity was essential to maintain the game's intended vision. I explored dynamic elements that could challenge the driver player and create a symbiotic relationship with the other player's actions, aligning with our team's goals for the game. This experience pushed me to think creatively and expand my problem-solving skills.